Ethical Policy Statement
Star Instruments Ltd. accept that we have a responsibility to both the environment, our
employees and the wider community, we view this as being important on a local and national
level. We adhere to strict standards of safe and fair employment practices including health and
safety, discrimination, working hours, Working Time Directive 1998 and forced or under age
labour. This aspect of the policy extends to our suppliers and we aim to trade only with
companies who have successfully addressed these issues.
In all the Company's operations it is important to retain a set of core values and approaches to
the process of doing business. The Company recognises its obligations to all those with whom it
has dealings. The reputation of the Company and the trust and confidence of those with whom
it deals are among its most vital resources, and the protection of these is of fundamental
importance. The Company demands and maintains high ethical standards in carrying out its
business activities.
Relations with Customers
The Company believes that integrity in dealings with customers is a prerequisite for a successful and sustained business relationship. This principle governs all aspects of the Company's approach to its customers.
No employee may give money or any gift of significant value to a customer, neither mayany gift or service be given which could be construed as being intended as a bribe.
The Company accords the same degree of confidentiality to confidential customerinformation as it does its own confidential information.
Relations with Suppliers
The Company aims to develop relationships with its suppliers based on mutual trust.
The Company undertakes to pay its suppliers according to agreed terms of trade.
The receipt of gifts or favours by employees can give rise to embarrassing situations and may be seen as an improper inducement to grant some concession in return to the donor. The following principles should be observed:
a) gifts or favours must not be solicited;
b) gifts of money must never be accepted;
c) reasonable small tokens and hospitality may be accepted provided they do not place the recipient under any obligation, are not capable of being misconstrued and can be reciprocated at the same level, and the employee's immediate superior is made aware of the same.
Any offer of gifts or favours of unusual size or questionable purpose should be reported immediately to management.
Relations with Competitors
The Company will compete vigorously, but honestly.
In any contacts with competitors, employees will avoid discussing proprietary or confidential information.
The Company believes service excellence to be the best way of enhancing its reputation. Whilst fair comparison between the company's strengths and competitors; weaknesses may be made, the Company will not engage in damaging competitors; reputations either directly or by implication, misrepresentation or innuendo.